Library - Faithful Friends


Kitten Scratching Outside

Safeguarding Your Pets as Warmer Weather Approaches

As the days grow longer and the temperature climbs, pet owners should be aware of the changes that come with the warmer seasons. Among these are the heightened risks of seasonal allergies and increased activity of bothersome insects. Here’s what you need to know to keep your furry friends safe and healthy during these vibrant months. Seasonal Allergies in Pets Just like humans, pets can suffer from seasonal allergies. These allergies are often caused by similar triggers, such as pollen, grass, and mold. Symptoms can include itchy skin, ear infections, sneezing, and excessive grooming, which can lead to more severe […]

Antifreeze Dangers to Your Pets

Antifreeze Dangers to Your Pets

Each year, someone’s beloved pet ingests the dangerous liquid known as Antifreeze.  As an engine coolant, antifreeze contains an ingredient that is poisonous to both dogs and cats.  This agent, ethylene glycol, is greenish in color and sweet-tasting.  Just a minuscule amount will poison a cat or dog.  This is an extremely dangerous and often lethal common household item. Antifreeze poisoning typically occurs when antifreeze drips from a car radiator and is licked off the ground and ingested by a pet. Dogs and cats may also come into contact with antifreeze that has been added to a toilet bowl when […]

Pet Estate Planning: How to Provide for Your Pet in the Event of Your Death

Pet Estate Planning: How to Provide for Your Pet in the Event of Your Death

Most pet owners consider their pet’s part of the family, but the laws in most jurisdictions consider pets as property and therefore, they have few legal rights. What can a pet owner who wants to provide for their pet do to make sure their beloved dog, cat, horse, llama or iguana is well taken care of in the event the owner is no longer able to care for them? There are a number of different answers to that question based on the type of animal and the laws in your local area. Contrary to what many people believe, their pets […]

Keeping Your Pet Safe on the 4th of July

Keeping Your Pet Safe on the 4th of July

If your dog, cat, or other furry friend is afraid of fireworks, he’s not alone. In fact, more pets go missing during the 4th of July holiday than during any other time of the year. In preparation for this 4th of July and its fireworks, here are 7 tips to help keep your pet safe and calm. Take your pet outdoors to play earlier in the day. Get outside with your pet before the fireworks begin. Walk, run, or play with your pet to release energy and get exercise. Your pet will be in a more relaxed and happy mood […]

Planting a Pet Friendly Garden

Planting a Pet-Friendly Garden

Many pets will eat anything, unaware of the potential consequences of sampling objects outside of their food bowls, so it is up to us to protect them from dangerous substances. Even plants that seem harmless — and may be completely safe for humans — can be extremely dangerous if consumed by our animal friends. Keep your pets in mind, and know what to avoid, when planning your summer garden or bringing plants into your house. Before introducing any new plants to your garden, you should find out if it is safe to have around your animal friends. Some of the […]

Pet Fire Safety

Pet Fire Safety

A pet is an integral part of his household. Visit his home, and you will see that it would not be the same home without his bed in the corner, his routine nap in the afternoon sun, his fur everywhere. And of course, his place in the family’s fire evacuation plan! As National Pet Fire Safety Day (July 15th) approaches, it’s crucial to consider your pets when thinking about how you can protect yourself and your family from a possible house fire. Prevent fires in a home with pets.  Approximately 1,000 house fires are started accidentally by pets each year. […]

Introducing a New Pet Into Your Home

Introducing a New Pet Into Your Home

Bringing a new pet into your home can bring so much joy into your life. But, these transitions don’t always go smoothly. While we envision the newest member of the family immediately hitting it off with the rest of the household, this doesn’t always happen. Take care when introducing a new pet to your home’s other residents — both human and non-human — to ensure everyone’s safety and establish good relationships. Create a pet introduction plan, based on your pets Introducing a pet to his new family is a one-step-at-a-time process; be patient, and never leave two pets together unsupervised […]

Helping a Pet Grieve

Helping a Pet Grieve

When a beloved pet passes away, it is undeniably difficult to move forward. It can feel impossible to understand your emotions, find words to speak and take care of yourself and your family. And what about the surviving pets in your household? How do you support the non-human members of your family through the grieving process?  Firstly, let your pet grieve in his own way. Just as your furry, feathery, or scaly friend is unique, so is his manner of mourning. There is no one “right” way to be sad and to work through a death. Your pet’s type of […]

Hot Weather and Pets

Hot Weather and Pets

Summertime brings a ton of outdoor fun. It also brings hot weather, which can be dangerous for our animal companions. Before you leash up your furry friend and go out to enjoy the long days of summer, know how to protect your pet from the heat.  Never leave pets unattended in a parked car On a hot day, a parked car reaches dangerously high temperatures in minutes. Don’t ever leave your furry family members in your car — not even with the windows cracked or parked in the shade, as these actions have very minimal effects on the car’s rising […]

Protecting Pets from Common Household Dangers

Protecting Pets from Common Household Dangers

As diligent and loving pet owners, it is our duty to keep them safe and sound.  Many common household items can pose a threat to your dog or cat. The Humane Society of the United States suggests that in order “to protect your pet, simply use common sense and take the same precautions you would with a child.” According to the Humane Society and the ASPCA Poison Control Center, pet owners should be aware of and avoid the following household dangers: Antifreeze containing ethylene glycol can attract animals with its sweet taste, but can be deadly if consumed in the […]

Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge Poem

The Rainbow Bridge is a poem written in the 1980s about pet loss, and where our pets go after their life with us on earth. While the original creator is unknown, the poem goes something along the lines of this: Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm […]